So it's the day. The revelation. The magnum opus. The day we bring to light the concept of Peers' Pears Pierce. The holy grail a...
So it's the day. The revelation. The magnum opus. The day we bring to light the concept of Peers' Pears Pierce.
The holy grail as we conceive it to be. The concept of P3 has ever been fascinating. You all are aware of the interplay of the three words Peers' Pears Pierce. As you pronounce these words you discover the fun. We learned how knowledge gets the better of us, we feel had we not known about this we would have been better off.
To establish the foundation we are to consider
the pear to be the holy grail. (Like apple is for most) . Generations have witnessed a massive change and the lack of awareness has been done away with. Now we are all informed and up to date no matter how much we pretend to be ignorant. The new challenge faced by the current generation is this curse of knowledge, the previous generations were untouched by this, now having known every possibility for establishing oneself, the way is paved of regret as you were given all the possible knowledge of the day. But why are we to discuss the generation gap, that's what you are to find out.
There were instances which disallowed people pursuing their desires, accompanied by the lack of resources. This results in the seeding of the thought that they would definitely have made it through had they been given the favorable circumstances. Now here comes the tale, they see themselves in their children, treat them the way they wanted to be treated, and therefore now that there is no lack of resources they believe that this is what will make their dreams come true.
This myth deals with the correlation between inheritance and merit, therefore no matter how deeply the children introspect they won't be able to figure this out soon enough. ( unless it's slipped into their ears). Now when it's time for an occasional verdict, the ones whose offsprings underperformed, take it personally, and their delusions are done away with, so the ones having the upper hand the reason that they can't keep it to themselves is that they consider it to be their victory in their fashion. What encircles their mind is "It's my blood, it's my inheritance, it's in my DNA, I knew I always had it in myself".
"This victory would have been mine if I was put in a similar situation." Their consideration is undoubtedly arguable and cannot be deemed as false. Life would have been well and good, having rewarded the comfort their grinding deserves. Interestingly the most iconic of success stories were shaped out of poverty and misery. Take Bill Gates, for example, he went to Harvard but never graduated, he was the son of a woodcutter and in those days we can imagine their condition as they were paid wages and not salaries. The illusion is done away with once the inevitable is faced with.
There is always something more than meets the eye, folks might as well be wishing if they could have taken birth in a more privileged condition( as if that's practical to think ). Fortunately, we are living in a generation to eliminate the illusions that might contribute to a lack of mental clarity. Just so you know, research conducted over a large scale reported that millionaires who made all their money themselves were much happier than the ones who inherited it, that's like having it but not being able to cherish it unless you make yourself believe that you have built yourself the way no matter what your inheritance is, that's the dream that unfortunately, no one lives for.
It might as well be possible that the ones who inherited it would in the long run end up with disappointment and lower self-esteem, this, in turn, will be paving the way for both mental and physical health ailments. This realization happens when it's too late and no matter how hard you try you can't change it. Each step you take in your life bears your responsibility and all you need to do is to ensure that you don't regret it in the long run or pretending not to regret it just to keep up with the character you have, forging it with phrases like ' nothing is perfect ', ' perfection is a flawed concept'. Whether or not perfection is flawed or not can be put into an argument but there is a difference between not being perfect and being naive.
In an interview, Jeff Bezos asks the audience to imagine being on one's deathbed and to think which of the two lives would one be more proud of, a life of ease and comfort or a life of passion and adventure. The speech delivered on account of the life experiences of the world's first Centi Billionaire Entails the entire story. As discussed earlier, we often desire things we don't want, but what we are funneled into wanting, believing it to be our desires.
So as laid down the concept of pear being the reward, and peer being one's fellow mates, counterparts, or you can label them as friends as well. This battle of blood is what pierces their heart. No matter how hard it is tried to conceal, in the actual sense, it's their peer pressure and it's their hearts piercing and squeezing out the liberty one is born with. What the younger generation has been thinking, finally has a solution to even out the delusional prospect and relieve them from the complexities they are faced with. To wrap it up Peers' - which means one's counterparts, pears - which signify the counterparts' rewards, pierce which beholds no second interpretation stands for the complexities created on account of the rewards of their mates, thereby piercing their hearts, darting the liberty and confiding as to what the prevailing discourse wants us to be confided in. If you liked the experience share it with your dearest ones. Let us know about your experience in the comments section below.
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